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OBH Nordica ActiFry Extra

für 230.32€ kaufen ··· 2861498 ··· 10031173623 ···
Unique hot-air fryer for healthy and tasty food with 99% less fat *, capacity for 1 kg or up to 6 servings, can fry everything - from crispy fries to chicken and delicious desserts, 60 minutes-hours, Find exciting recipes with ActiFry- the app Roast healthy and tasty food for the whole family - with 99% less fat *! ActiFry Extra`s patented Dual Motion technology combines circulating hot air with gentle stirring for a perfect result. With ActiFry Extra, you can roast everything - from healthier and more crispy fries to chicken, sweet desserts and wok dishes. ActiFry Extra has a capacity of 1 kg or 6 servings and is perfect for families. Thanks to the 60-minute timer and the detachable parts, which can withstand dishwashers, healthy cooking will not be easier with ActiFry Extra. Download the ActiFry app where you can find lots of exciting recipes! * 1.5 kg of french fries use 2 cl of oil, where in normal frying 2.2 liters of oil is used. In addition, you can roast 4 pieces of meat for 10 minutes without using oil, using traditional frying on the pan (2 minutes on each side) using 10 g butter
Hersteller: OBH Nordica
Marke: OBH Nordica
EAN: 3045380017559
Kat: Fritteusen
Lieferzeit: 7-10
Versandkosten: 6.99
Icon: https://www.proshop.at/Images/100x100/2861498_3d1be3b937e8.jpg

14: OBH Nordica
15: 1605231232
16: #
5: 6.99
6: OBH Nordica
7: OBH Nordica ActiFry Extra
:::: Fritteusen
···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
···· aufgenommen: 07.07.2020 · 14:18:03
···· & überprüft: 13.11.2020 · 02:33:52
: Nordica : ActiFry :


231.182020.07.12 » 04:17:14