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Peavey 24 FX MKII

für 1159.00€ kaufen ··· 182953 ··· 100566663 ···
24-Kanal Mixer Peavey 24 FX MKII: Technische Daten:24 Kanäle inklusive 2 Stereokanäle high-power dual DSP engine with improved digital effects and output processing including Feedback Ferret®, 28-band GEQ/5-band PEQ, delay and limiter USB 2.0 A connection to record directly to or playback from memory stick USB 2.0 B connection for streaming digital out 3-band EQ with sweepable mid-frequency and variable low cut filters 2 stereo channels with dual mic/line inputs zuschaltbare 48 Volt Phantomspeisung 6 Aux sends 4 subgroups 100mm faders double the processing power of the orginal FX Series all new switching power supply design is more efficient than the original Silencerâ„¢ mic preamp XLR inputsPA-Equipment > Mischpulte > 24-Kanal Konsolen
Hersteller: Peavey
EAN: 4017269349968
Kat: PA-Equipment > Mischpulte > 24-Kanal Konsolen
Versandkosten: 0
Icon: https://www.quickaudio.de/out/pictures/generated/product/1/540_340_75/182953-1.jpg

14: Peavey
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23: Peavey 24 FX MKII
24: Peavey 24 FX MKII
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7: Peavey 24 FX MKII
:::: PA-Equipment > Mischpulte > 24-Kanal Konsolen
···· quickaudio.de
···· aufgenommen: 27.09.2018 · 18:06:34
···· & überprüft: 19.12.2021 · 01:07:33
: Peavey :
