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Wellindal Klum Regal

für 63.99€ kaufen ··· 678874 ··· 102614534 ···

Marke: Wellindal
EAN: 8423490262086
Kat: Regale und Vitrinen
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 6.99
Icon: http://static.wellindal.com/media/6/photos/products/678874/678874-estanteria-escalera-blanco-brillo_5_g.jpg
Modular and functional modular wall shelf in equal parts, which has a modular structure that will allow you to store all kinds of objects. It is perfect for the living room, but can also be very useful in other rooms of the house. Keep your books, records and magazines in it, use it to store boxes or decórala with vases, figures or other decorative objects. It is made of high quality melamine and is available in gloss white. Assembly required (includes instructions) It is furniture in assembly kit. The product has an instruction booklet with all the steps to be followed in detail and also incorporates the necessary hardware to make assembly easy and professional help is not required. Shelving measures: 145cm (length) x 145cm (height) x 29cm (depth)
15: 1608592919
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20: Modular and functional modular wall shelf in equal parts, which has a modular structure that will allow you to store all kinds of objects. It is perfect for the living room, but can also be very useful in other rooms of the house. Keep your books, records and magazines in it, use it to store boxes or decórala with vases, figures or other decorative objects. It is made of high quality melamine and is available in gloss white. Assembly required (includes instructions) It is furniture in assembly kit. The product has an instruction booklet with all the steps to be followed in detail and also incorporates the necessary hardware to make assembly easy and professional help is not required. Shelving measures: 145cm (length) x 145cm (height) x 29cm (depth)
22: #
23: Wellindal Klum Regal
24: Wellindal Klum Regal
5: 6.99
6: Wellindal
7: Wellindal Klum Regal
:::: Regale und Vitrinen
···· Wellindal Deutschland - Haus, Garten und DIY Produkte
···· aufgenommen: 08.12.2019 · 12:48:57
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 00:21:58
: Wellindal :
