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DeLonghi Espresso glasses 2pcs 60ml

für 10.51€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Automatische Kaffeemaschine mit Cappuccinatore, 15 bar, Chrom ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1003140242

Siemens TZ70003

für 10.81€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Wasserfilter für Kaffeemaschine, schützt vor Kalkablagerungen in der Maschine und verbessert Geschmack und Aroma ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1003140234

Siemens Cleaning tablets for Espresso machine Bosch/Siemens TZ80001B

für 9.73€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Reinigungstabletten für Kaffeemaschine (Packung mit 10 Stück), Perfektes Aroma dank optimaler Reinigung, Reste von Kaffeeöl werden gründlich entfernt, 2-in-1: Für das beste Aroma + für eine lange Lebensdauer der Maschine, Optimiert für das optimale Reinigungsprogramm von Siemens vollautomatischen Kaffeemaschinen ····· 10031155306

OBH Nordica Glass Jug for 2310 2314

für 9.70€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Heat resistant glass carafe. Black lid and handle. Capacity of 1,50 liter, equivalent to 12 cups of coffee. Fits OBH Nordica coffee makers 2310/2313,2298. ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031174929

Bosch TCZ 8002 A

für 9.36€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Entkalkungstabletten, für Kaffeemaschine (Packung mit 3) ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031177219

Melitta pad filter

für 9.50€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Padfilter, für Kaffeemaschine (Packung mit 2), für Philips Senseo HD7800, HD7842 ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031127113

Bünting Bio Darjeeling

für 9.99€ kaufen ···· Combi.de - Online-Supermarkt
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Melitta Perfect Clean - milk fat cleaner

für 10.57€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Milchfettreiniger, für Kaffeemaschine ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031172423

Beaphar Parasite Repulsi Lotion 250 Ml

für 9.79€ kaufen ···· Miscota.pt - Racao para caes e racao para gatos
Esta loção combina 3 ingredientes naturais com propriedades repulsivas de pulgas, carrapatos e mosquitos: piretro vegetal, extrato natural de Margosa e Lavandin. Utilização muito prática, antes de dar um passeio, basta pulverizar o pelo do animal de estimação. ····· 102846389

Belmio Verde Espresso Økologisk

für 8.65€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Verde Espresso Organic, 10 capsules, Aroma: toasted almonds, Flavor: lemon zest, Coffee bean: 100% organic Arabica, Recommended size: espresso, Intensity: 5 (mild)This 100% Organic espresso combines a subtle almond flavor with a delicate mouth feel, enhancing the long zesty sensation of citrus in the aftertaste. ····· 10031130177

Belmio Intenso Espresso koffeinfri

für 8.65€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Intenso Espresso decaffeinated, 10 capsules, Aroma: red wine & wood, Flavor: hint of fruit, Coffee bean: Arabica, Recommended size: Ristretto, Espresso and Cappuccino, Intensity: 8 (intense)This medium roasted decaffeinated espresso blend has a complex woody and red wine aroma with fruity notes that can be enjoyed throughout the day or as a tasteful conclusion to your dinner. ····· 10031130176

Belmio Arabian Cardamom

für 8.65€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Arabian Cardamom, 10 capsules, Aroma: aromatic, Flavor: natural cardamom with hints of grapefruit, Coffee Bean: Arabica & Robusta, Recommended size: espresso, Intensity: 6 (balanced)
Discover the exceptional taste of this Cardamom flavoured Espresso. A distinguished cup of coffee inspired by the Queen of Spices, Cardamom. ····· 10031129941

Belmio Oro Espresso Økologisk

für 8.65€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Oro Espresso Organic, 10 capsules, Aroma: vanilla, spices and wood, Flavor: cocoa, Coffee bean: 100% organic Arabica, Recommended size: espresso, lungo, Intensity: 8 (balanced)Taste this medium to strong espresso with a slightly sweet aroma of vanilla, spices and wood. Chocoholics will enjoy the extra long-lasting cocoa aftertaste. ····· 10031129939

Bünting C.K. Privat Tee

für 9.49€ kaufen ···· Combi.de - Online-Supermarkt
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DeLonghi Water softener (DLSC002)

für 29.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Wasserfilter für Kaffeemaschine, für De`Longhi ECAM 22.140, ECAM 23.240, Magnifica S ECAM 22.110, PrimaDonna S ECAM26.455 ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1003140170

SEVERIN Milk Frother SM 3590 - Black

····· lezzter Preis 7.99€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Milchaufschäumer schnurlos, Schwarz ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031139902

Belmio Vivace Espresso

für 7.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Vivace Espresso, 10 capsules, Aroma: hints of wood, cereals and milk chocolate, Flavor: citrus, Coffee bean: Arabica & Robusta, Recommended size: Lungo, Intensity: 8 (balanced)Unique to this lungo are the complex woody aromas, toasted grains and a hint of milk chocolate finished with a subtle citrus aftertaste. ····· 10031130175

Belmio Undici Espresso

für 7.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Undici Espresso, 10 capsules, Aroma: spicy, Flavor: bitter, Coffee bean: Arabica, Recommended size: Ristrette, Espresso, Cappuccinp, Intensity: 11 (intense)Brace yourself for an extremely intense espresso. This dark roasted Arabica blend gives a strong bitterness and a bold texture in your mouth. The ideal coffee for the true espresso connoisseur. ····· 10031130174

Belmio Adagio Espresso

für 7.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Adagio Espresso, 10 capsules, Aroma: Carnation & Honey, Flavor: Citrus, Coffee Bean: Arabica, Recommended size: Espresso, Intensity: 4 (mild) Let yourself carry this delicate espresso with a subtle spicy and honey sweet aroma with a hint of carnation. ····· 10031130172

Belmio Allegro Espresso

für 7.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Allegro Espresso, 10 capsules, Flavor: smooth and sweet, Flavor: cocoa / grapefruit, Coffee bean: Arabica & Robusta, Recommended size: espresso or cappucino, Intensity: 6 (balanced)This balanced espresso surprises with accents of cocoa, a touch of grapefruit and a smooth and soft mouthfeel. ····· 10031129942

*Belmio Largo Espresso

····· lezzter Preis 7.98€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
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Belmio Origio Espresso

für 7.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Origio Espresso, 10 capsules, Aroma: grain and hazelnut, Flavor: hint of citrus, Coffee bean: Arabica, Recommended size: Espresso, Intensity: 5 (mild)This mild espresso reveals a rich bouquet of toasted grains and hazelnut with a soft aftertaste of citrus fruit completing the taste sensation. ····· 10031129934

Belmio Risoluto

für 7.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Risoluto, 10 capsules, Aroma: soft and spicy, Flavor: walnut, Coffee bean: Arabica & Robusta, Recommended size: Ristretto, Espresso, Cappuccino, Intensity: 9 (intense)This sturdy espresso welcomes you with a soft and spicy aroma. The round body and the long aftertaste of walnuts provide a full mouth feel with a pleasant acidity. An ideal way to kick off your day. ····· 10031129933

Philips Saeco Descaler 250 ml

für 7.58€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Entkalker, Flüssigkeit, Flasche, 250 ml ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031116328

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