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····· lezzter Preis 227.47€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031103103

Suunto 3 - granite red - sport watch with strap - granite red

für 195.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Granite Red, Sportuhr mit Riemen, Silikon, Granite Red, Bandgröße 120-210 mm, Bluetooth, 36 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031176607

Suunto 3 - pebble white - sport watch with strap - pebble white

für 263.66€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Pebble White, Sportuhr mit Riemen, Silikon, Pebble White, Bandgröße 120-210 mm, Bluetooth, 36 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031169345

Suunto 3 - moss grey - sport watch with strap - moss grey

für 195.98€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Moss Gray, Sportuhr mit Riemen, Silikon, Moss Gray, Bandgröße 120-210 mm, Bluetooth, 36 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031169344

Fitbit Versa 2 Special Edition iron mist/charcoal

für 185.53€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Iron mist, smart watch with band, woven jacquard, charcoal, Bluetooth, 40 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031138605

Fitbit Versa 2 Special Edition copper rose/navy

für 207.08€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Copper rose, smart watch with band, woven jacquard, navy, Bluetooth, 40 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031138604

Huawei Watch GT2 46mm Sport Edition - Orange

für 219.00€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Sport, 46 mm, schwarzes Edelstahl, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Flouroelastomer, Sunset Orange, Bandgröße 140-210 mm, Anzeige 3.5 cm (1.39), Bluetooth, 41 g ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031132966

Huawei Watch GT2 46mm Classic Edition

für 219.00€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Classic, 46 mm, Edelstahl, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Leder, Pebble Brown, Bandgröße 140-210 mm, Anzeige 3.5 cm (1.39), Bluetooth, 41 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1003131275

Huawei Watch GT2 46mm Sport Edition - Matte Black

für 219.00€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Sport, 46 mm, schwarzes Edelstahl, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Flouroelastomer, mattschwarz, Bandgröße 140-210 mm, Anzeige 3.5 cm (1.39), Bluetooth, 41 g ····· ····· ····· ····· 1003131274

Polar Ignite Black M/L

für 215.44€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Activitytracker, integrated GPS, wrist-based heart rate, phone notifications, sports profiles, waterproof, M/L - 155-210 mm, blackPolar Ignite is a waterproof fitness watch with advanced wrist-based heart rate and integrated GPS. This new-generation workout partner helps you become your true potential and push your limits the right way. Polar Ignite offers you a full view of your day and guidance towards a more balanced life. ····· 10031127134

Polar Ignite Black S

für 171.42€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Activitytracker, integrated GPS, wrist-based heart rate, phone notifications, sports profiles, waterproof, S - 130-185 mm, black
Polar Ignite is a waterproof fitness watch with advanced wrist-based heart rate and integrated GPS. This new-generation workout partner helps you become your true potential and push your limits the right way. Polar Ignite offers you a full view of your day and guidance towards a more balanced life. ····· 10031127135

*Garett Smartwatch Women Klara

····· lezzter Preis 215.42€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
* ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166186

*Garett Smartwatch Sport 29

····· lezzter Preis 137.92€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
* ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166190

*Garett Smartwatch Women Klara

····· lezzter Preis 214.54€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
* ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166185

- Unknown Women Klara

für 100.19€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Schwarz, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Metall, schwarz, Bandgröße bis zu 230 mm, Anzeige 3.1 cm (1.22), Bluetooth, 35 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166184

*Garett Smartwatch Sport 29

····· lezzter Preis 115.57€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
* ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166183

Huawei Watch GT2 42mm Elegant - Frosty White

für 186.94€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Champagne Gold Edition, 42 mm, Champagne Gold Edelstahl, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Flouroelastomer, Frosty White, Anzeige 3 cm (1.2), Bluetooth, 29 g ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031171772

Garmin Forerunner 45S

für 170.92€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Schwarz, Sportuhr mit Band, Silikon, schwarz, Bandgröße 124-185 mm, S, Anzeige 2.6 cm (1.04), Bluetooth, ANT+, 32 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031153289

Huawei Watch GT2 42mm Sport - Matte Black

für 209.00€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Sport, 42 mm, schwarzes Edelstahl, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Flouroelastomer, schwarz, Bandgröße 130-200 mm, Anzeige 3 cm (1.2), Bluetooth, 29 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031150214

Huawei Watch GT2 42mm Sport - Lake Cyan

für 209.00€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Sport, 42 mm, schwarzes Edelstahl, intelligente Uhr mit Riemen, Flouroelastomer, Lake Cyan, Bandgröße 130-200 mm, Anzeige 3 cm (1.2), Bluetooth, 29 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031146132

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active - Green

für 199.00€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
Grün, intelligente Uhr mit Band, Flouroelastomer, Anzeige 2.81 cm (1.1), 4 GB, 1.5 GB, Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth, 25 g ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1003128309

*Garett Smartwatch Sport 24

····· lezzter Preis 194.33€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
* ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166182

*Garett Smartwatch Sport 24

····· lezzter Preis 101.30€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
* ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10031166181


····· lezzter Preis 194.00€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
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